Heritage Rail Posters - Title image - Fenchurch on Hazelden Bank with the observation coach - Bluebell Railway

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This range of heritage rail posters are new designs and have been modelled on the style of popular 1950’s British Railways posters, which usually advertised holiday destinations or places of interest which could be reached by train.  Despite their familiar appearance, they are not reproductions or copies of previously published works, but are recent photographs which have been enhanced to look like the water colour images which were a characteristic of the publicity genre.

Following popular demand, our vintage styled railway posters are now available in three sizes A2, A3 and A4.  and are printed to order by a specialist company on 210gm paper, which ensures excellent image quality.  The lettering and logo are razor sharp at each size; because the images are created at the correct printing size rather than being enlarged to fit.  They are best displayed in borderless glass or plastic frames and several examples can be seen at Bluebell Railway in the restaurant of the Bessemer Arms on Sheffield Park Station and in the new catering carriage at East Grinstead Station.

The posters are being sold to raise funds for restoration projects on the railway.  Clicking on an image will open a page showing each poster in close up detail. 

We have recently changed our sales operation to simplify ordering and reduce on-going costs.  You can make payment for a poster via Pay Pal - which also accepts credit and debit card payments.  Click on the view cart button at any time to see your order.  Prices are £14.95 for A2, £9.95 for A3 and £6.95 for A4.   Post and packing is £3.50. for all sizes.


Each poster sale will generate a donation for the Bluebell Railway.  Thank you.

Heritage Rail Poster - A2 Poster View
Heritage Rail Posters - Bluebell Railway image


Heritage Rail Poster - Your Carriage Awaits - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Meals on Wheels - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Ghost Train - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Golden Days - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Golden Days - Bluebell Railway

Image Ref.  BL1-YOUR

Image Ref.  BL2-MEAL

Image Ref.  BL3-GHOST

Image Ref.  BL4-GOLD

Image Ref.  BL5-WHEN

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Heritage Rail Poster - Victorian Splendour - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Steam Heat - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Let Off Steam - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Delivering the Goods - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Happy Holidays - Bluebell Railway

Image Ref.  BL6-VICT

Image Ref.  BL7-STEAM

Image Ref.  BL8-LET

Image Ref.  BL9-DELI

Image Ref.  BL10-HAPPY

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Heritage Rail Poster - Dig for Victory - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Close Encounters - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Blooming Marvellous - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Home Front - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Atmospheric Railway - Bluebell Railway

Image Ref.  BL11-DIG

Image Ref.  BL12-CLOSE

Image Ref.  BL13-BLOOM

Image Ref.  BL14-HOME

Image Ref.  BL15-ATMOS

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Heritage Rail Poster - NEP Construction Team - Bluebell Railway
Heritage Rail Poster - East Grinstead - Bluebell Railway Heritage Rail Poster - Sheffield Park - Bluebell Railway

Image Ref.  BL16-NEP

Image Ref.  BL17-EAST

Image Ref.  BL18-SHEFF

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Heritage Rail Poster - Horsted Keynes - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Kingscote - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Sussex - Bluebell Railway

Image Ref.  BL19-HORST

Image Ref.  BL20-KING

Image Ref.  BL21-SUSS

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Heritage Rail Poster - New Departure - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Pioneer - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Black Magic - Bluebell Railway

Image Ref.  BL33-NEWDEP

Image Ref.  BL34-PION

Image Ref.  BL35-MAGIC

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Heritage Rail Poster - Southern Postcard - Bluebell Railway

Heritage Rail Poster - Victorian Postcard - Bluebell Railway


Image Ref.  BL42-BLACK

Image Ref.  BL43-SEPIA

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Heritage Rail Poster - 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair - Bluebell Railway Heritage Rail Poster - 928 Stowe - Bluebell Railway Heritage Rail Poster - 323 Bluebell - Bluebell Railway
Image Ref.  BL22-ARCH Image Ref.  BL23-STOWE Image Ref.  BL24-BLUEBELL

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Heritage Rail Poster - 9017 Earl of Berkeley - Bluebell Railway Heritage Rail Poster - B473 Birch Grove - Bluebell Railway Heritage Rail Poster - 592 'C' Class - Bluebell Railway
Image Ref.  BL25-EARL Image Ref.  BL26-B473 Image Ref.  BL27-592

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Heritage Rail Poster - 1638 'U' Class - Bluebell Railway Heritage Rail Poster - 80151 '4MT' Class - Bluebell Railway Heritage Rail Poster - 263 'H' Class - Bluebell Railway
Image Ref.  BL28-1638 Image Ref.  BL29-80151 Image Ref.  BL30-263

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Heritage Rail Poster - 92212 '9F' Class - Bluebell Railway
Image Ref.  BL31-92212 Image Ref.  BL32-32424 Image Ref.  BL36-S15

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Image Ref.  BL37-PCLASS Image Ref.  BL38-QCLASS Image Ref.  BL39-CAMEL

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Image Ref.  EL40-CRAB Image Ref.  LL41-FOX Image Ref.  BL44-SCOT

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Image Ref.  BL45-DIAM Image Ref.  BL46-BDAY
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